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Cátedra Prima: The Role of the Supreme Court in the Constitutional System of The United States: Continuity or Crisis?

  viernes 16 de febrero, 2024 17:30 hrs - viernes 16 de febrero, 2024 19:00 hrs
  Sala de Conferencias

Descripción :

Asiste a la Cátedra Prima organizada por Derecho titulada "The Role of the Supreme Court in the Constitutional System of The United States: Continuity or Crisis?" impartida por Robert A. Schapiro, Dean and C. Hugh Friedman Professor of Law - School of Law, University of San Diego.



  • 🎙️ Robert A. Schapiro: American Law Institute

    Emory Williams Distinguished Teaching Award, 2009
    Awarded to faculty in Emory University for excellence in graduate education.

    Ben F. Johnson Faculty Excellence Award, 2004
    Awarded every three years to a faculty member at Emory Law School for excellence in teaching and scholarship.
    Most Outstanding Professor, Student Bar Association, Emory Law School, 2000 - 2001 (awarded to two professors in 2000 - 2001).
    Professor of the Year, Black Law Students Association, Emory Law School, 2001.
    Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities, 1984 - 1987.
    Graduate Fellowship, Stanford Humanities Center, 1985 - 1987.
    Fellows Prize, 1984
    Awarded to the senior in Jonathan Edwards College, Yale University with highest academic rank (awarded to two students in 1984).
    Robert Dudley French Award, 1983
    Awarded to a senior in Jonathan Edwards College, Yale University for outstanding intellectual leadership.

Información del Evento:

📅 Fecha: Viernes 16 de febrero de 2024

Hora: 17:30 hrs.

📌 Lugar: Sala de Conferencias



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Inversión: Gratis
Organiza : Facultad de Derecho y Relaciones Internacionales
Categoría : Educación
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